I can't believe Miss Dea is 4 years old already! Last year she was into cowboy boots, this year she is having tea everyday like the Queen of England.
That's exactly what I love most about custom photography. If your 4 year old is into tea parties you can capture that. Not using staged props that every 4 year old girl uses, but by throwing Dea's table & tea set in the back of the car and finding a lovely spot with a chandelier in the tree. My daughter hardly ever had a tea party in her whole life, so although she might look cute in this setting, it wouldn't really capture her being her. Custom photography is not about looking cute, it's about looking real, natural and comfortable. In my opinion that's where the real beauty is.
These pictures of Dea are so sweet, because the minute the table was set, she was playing with her bear just like every other day, she barely even noticed we weren't in her playroom....until the cat showed up, but that's a different story!
Dea is also quite a little dancer.
{Photographer's Favorite}
Dee & Dea look so comfortable sitting here in the golden light.
Beautiful light + Beautiful girls = Beautiful photos
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