We stayed at the Tinley Park train station for the Barke's photos. One thing I've learned about photography, location doesn't really matter if you have adorable people like Kathy, James & Tyler.
I could do their photos anywhere and they'd look great every time.

I love the sun, sky and shadows in this photo.

{Photographer's Favorite}
I'm not sure what it is about this photo, but I love it. I think it's a combination of all the colors, the lines from the fence, the smiles on Kathy & James' faces as Tyler peeks at me reluctantly. Whatever it is it works for me.

Tyler wasn't giving away too many smiles, but the second Daddy threw him in the air he was nothing but giggles. Tyler loves to fly...I've decided our next photo will have to be at the airport.

{Photographer's Favorite #2}
I love this photo of Kathy & Tyler. His adorable expression and her cozy, comfortable way of cuddling her little guy. They seem 100% content to just be hanging out with one another!

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